Developer: PlugHugger
Illuminator is an experimental soundset aimed for ambient and cinematic productions, based on samples recorded from a metal floor lamp. We recorded the lamp using a traditional Piezo microphone and struck the lamp in different locations with different materials, from the large head to the springs and metal shaft. Inspired by the psychoacoustic samples made by Diego Stocco for Omnisphere, we also used an electric toothbrush to generate sustained “tonal” sounds.
“illuminator is a collection of sounds recorded from a metal floor lamp.”
To add a sonic counterpart to the metallic sounding samples, we morphed the sounds with recordings from an analog synthesizer (Analogue Solutions Leipzig) to create sounds with an organic yet synthetic quality. From these raw waveforms we built pads, textures, cinematic hits and rhythmic sequences inspired by the signature sounds from the original Korg Wavestation. While there are tonal sounds in this collection, it’s important to remember that keeping true to an earthly standard of tonality wasn’t our first priority. Our only motto was if a sound sounded good it got added to the collection. All from a metal floor lamp(*). (*) not made by IKEA.
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